Refiloe edited subsection_Black_holes_and_Active__.tex  over 8 years ago

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This process produces in polarised radiation in the direction of propagation of the emitting electron. The torus emits unpolarised thermal radiation. It has been theorised that the ionised disk associated with the torus produces a varying magnetic field across its surface. The varying magnetic field then is induces a large electric field which accelerates particles to relativistic speeds. These particles spiral along the magnetic field lines and producing synchrotron radiation. ( - Jeff Stanger ).  Within AGN the radiation is emitted by a variety of sources, where some of the sources are thermal and other non-thermal. (B.F Burke and F Graham-Smith) states that the relative strength of these sources depends on the orientation of the AGN. The overall spectrum however, can be represented by a simple power law.  Fanaroff and Riley classification of radio galaxies groups them into two major categories FR-I and FR-II. The two catagories are based on whether radio-galaxies have edgedarkened (FR-I) morphologies or edge-brightened (FR-II) morphologies. ( believes that these morphologies arose from the interaction of jets and the material in their surrounding environment. Spectroscopy obeservations further reveal that FR-I radio galaxy hosts s exhibit optical spectra with only absorption lines, while FR-II hosts display mixed characteristicts. Some FR-II hosts are similar to FR-Is in that they only exhibit absorption lines ,but some others have spectra with strong high ionization emission lines. ( states that the morphology of galaxies is closely related to their luminosities. It is said that Fanaroff and Rilley noted that the morphology of radio galaxies is dependent on their luminosities.