Refiloe edited subsection_Comparison_with_X_ray__.tex  over 8 years ago

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Both \cite{Liu_2011} and \cite{Koss_2012} use imaging spectroscopy to select data points for dual (pair) AGN samples. A small pair separation is also present in both studies with most of the Lui AGN detections at separation less than 100 kpc, and those of \cite{Koss_2012} found at separations less than 30 kpc. Both papers note that the luminosities of AGN pairs increase with a decrease in separation between galaxies (in a pair), suggesting that mergers promote AGN activity (\cite{Liu_2011} , \cite{Koss_2012}). Both papers also acknowledge the limitations experienced in selecting the appropriate sample data due to SDSS’ fixed fiber size. On this point, Koss notes that due to SDSS fiber being 3”, it is sensitive to smaller physical scales.  Koss ##  Both studies show that an increase in AGN activity due to mergers even though AGN selection criterion , and emission mechanism ()radio versus X-ray) differ.