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16S rDNA Sequencing and Analysis (Organism Identification).md delete
Abstract.md delete
Acknowledgements.md delete
Building a 16S rDNA Phylogenetic Tree.md delete
Data Submission.md delete
Discussion.md delete
General Notes on Bioinformatics.md delete
General notes on bacterial systematics.md delete
General notes on molecular and microbiology.md delete
Genome Assembly and Annotation.md delete
Groupings in Trees.md delete
Introduction.md delete
Isolation.md delete
Library Preparation and Sequencing .md delete
Obtain the Full Length 16S Sequence from the Assembly.md delete
Organism Identification using 16s rRNA gene sequence.md delete
Other info about trees.md delete
Publication.md delete
README.md delete
Some other things to know about trees.md delete
Test.md delete
authors.tex delete
authors2.tex delete
rocket.jae.pptx delete
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