David Coil edited Data Submission.md  over 9 years ago

Commit id: b9e292db989b129830eb597ccbeb0e712b4f5364

deletions | additions      


perl /Users/Madison/Desktop/a5_miseq_macOS_20140113/bin/fasta2agp.pl /Users/Madison/Desktop/a5_miseq_macOS_20140113/example/phiX.a5.final.scaffolds.fasta > phiX.a5.scaffolds.agp   If this runs successfully then you should see a both the FSA and .AGP AGP  files in your current directory. Important Note: NCBI considers a gap of less than 10 nucleotides to be "missing information" in a contig, not a gap between contigs (whereas A5 has no minimum gap size). Therefore NCBI requires that contigs separated by less than 10 nucleotides be merged. This script performs that merging, meaning that the number of contigs in the FSA file may be less than in your input file. Therefore we recommend counting the contigs in the FSA file: