David Coil edited 16S rDNA Sequencing and Analysis (Organism Identification).md  about 9 years ago

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This reaction uses the 27F (AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG) and 1391R (GACGGGCGGTGTGTRCA) primers which amplify a near full-length bacterial (and many archaeal) 16S rRNA gene. Our lab uses standard PCR reagents (Qiagen or Kappa), with an annealing temperature of 54 °C and an extension at 72 °C of 90 seconds. Do not forget to include positive (any sample containing bacterial genomic DNA that you have successfully amplified before) and negative (_e.g_., replace DNA with water) controls. The full program we use is:  1: 95 °C for 2:00  2: 95 °C for :15  3: 54 °C for :30  4: 72 °C for 1:30  5: Go to 2 (40 times)  6: 72 °C for 3:00  7: 4 °C forever