David Coil edited 16S rDNA Sequencing and Analysis (Organism Identification).md  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 950bb75331ef674cb18970a282eba791db878481

deletions | additions      


Open a Terminal window and type:  ./Applications/seqtrace-0.9.0/seqtrace.py /Applications/seqtrace-0.9.0/seqtrace.py  This syntax will only work if the SeqTrace folder’s name is seqtrace-0.9.0, if you saved it under a different name you will need to replace seqtrace-0.9.0 with the name of that folder 

###MUSCLE  In order to run this script you will need to download MUSCLE \cite{Edgar_2004} from here: http://www.drive5.com/muscle/downloads.htm. Use the Archive Utility to open the file, change the name of the executable file from something like "muscle3.8.31\_i86darwin64" to "muscle," and move it into your bin directory via the terminal with the following syntax (you will need to know your admin password to do this):  sudo cp /Downloads/muscle ~/Downloads/muscle  /usr/bin ###Convert Files from .abi to . fastq