Madison edited 16S rDNA Sequencing and Analysis (Organism Identification).md  almost 10 years ago

Commit id: 905b401748d212a4f725a9b7bb9fe2029e763fe9

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Use the drop down menus to set it to convert .abi files to .fastq. Upload a file and convert it. The converted file will save to your downloads folder under the name sample.fastq. If you are working with a lot of reads we recommend immediately renaming the files to match the original abi file name to avoid confusion.  ###Edit and Create a Consensus Sequence  Once all of your files are in fastq format, move all of them to the Sanger\_seq folder in which you saved the merge\_sanger\ script. Use the terminal to navigate to within this folder. Then, type: folder by typing:  cd Desktop/Sanger_seq