David Coil edited General Notes on Bioinformatics.md  almost 10 years ago

Commit id: 2c633c59c0ddb552dfc3d5d76a82a63026ee5347

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##Summary of commands and terms  $ **ls** lists files and directories (folders) in directory you are currently in  $ cd **cd**  use to change directories $ cd .. **cd ..**  use to move up one directory $ cd directory_name **cd directory_name**  use to move to that directory $ cd **cd  ~ **  use to move to the home directory $ grep file_name **grep file_name**  $ grep **grep  –c “what you want to count” file_name file_name**  counts the number of times a file contains a specific character or sequence of characters  $ less file_name **less file_name**  view a file command line – the command line is where you type commands in a terminal window A few quick definitions:  script _command line_  –a computer program. Usually computer programs are called scripts when they perform relatively simple functions that are limited in scope. Scripts are typically only run from  the command line is where you type commands in a terminal window  directory _script_ – a computer program. Usually computer programs are called scripts when they perform relatively simple functions that are limited in scope. Scripts are typically only run from the command line  _directory_  – a folder ##Software updates