Jenna M. Lang edited 16S rDNA Sequencing and Analysis (Organism Identification).md  about 10 years ago

Commit id: 1e68d2989d579d8aa79e85e28c3c1359877c7d14

deletions | additions      
  Confirm that you have Python version 2.x. You can do this by typing:  - python --version  You should see something that looks like "Python 2.6.9" If you see Python 3.x, seek help to invoke an earlier version directly. 

Open a Terminal window and type   -./Applications/seqtrace-0.9.0/ - ./Applications/seqtrace-0.9.0/  This syntax will only work if the SeqTrace folder’s name is seqtrace-0.9.0, if you saved it under a different name you will need to replace seqtrace-0.9.0 with the name of that folder