srodney more revision of other models * now in the Classification section  almost 8 years ago

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\section{Classification}  \label{sec:Classification}  For transients that do not easily fall within familiar categories, a  useful starting point for classification is to examine the object in  the phase space of peak luminosity versus decline time \citep[see,  e.g.,][]{Kasliwal:2010}. To infer the luminosity and decline time  for each \spock event, we combine the linear fits to the light curves  (shown in Figure~\ref{fig:LinearLightCurveFits}) with the predicted  range of lensing magnifications  (Figure~\ref{fig:LensModelContours}. For any assumed value for the  time of peak brightness, the light curve fits give us an estimate of  the ``observed'' peak magnitude and a corresponding rise-time and  decline-time measurement. We then convert this extrapolated peak  magnitude to a luminosity (e.g., $\nu L_\nu$ in erg s$^{-1}$) by  first correcting for the luminosity distance assuming a standard \LCDM  cosmology, and then accounting for an assumed lensing magnification,  $\mu$. At the end of all this, we have a grid of possible peak  luminosities for each event as a function of magnification and time of  peak (or, equivalently, the decline time).  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide} shows the resulting  constraints on the peak luminosity and the decline time, which we  quantify as $t_2$, the time over which the transient declines by 2  magnitudes. Shaded green and red bands represent the \spockone and  \spocktwo events, respectively, and in each case they incorporate the  allowed range for time of peak (see  Figure~\ref{fig:LinearLightCurveFits}) and the lensing magnification  ($10<\mu<100$) as reported in Table~\ref{tab:LensModelPredictions}.  The two events are largely consistent with each other, and if both  events are representative of a single system (or a homogeneous class)  then the most likely peak luminosity and decline time (the region with  the most overlap) would be $L_{\rm pk}\sim10^{41}$ ergs/s and  $t_3\sim1.8$ days.  \subsection{Comparison to SN and SN-like Explosion Models}  In Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide} we also demarcate  regions of the luminosity - decline time phase space occupied by known  or theorized transients.  The colored regions along the right  side of Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide} mark the  luminosity and decline times for SNe and SN-like transients, showing  that the very rapid rise and fall of both \spock light curves is  incompatible with any of the normal SN classes. For both  thermonuclear white dwarf explosions (Type Ia) and the core-collapse  explosions of massive stars (Type Ib, Ic, and II) the optical light  curve after reaching peak brightness is primarily powered by the decay  of radioactive \NiFiftySix to \CoFiftySix, which leads to a minimum  decline rate of $\sim$0.1 mag day$^{-1}$. For Type II SNe this decay  time can be extended into a plateau phase by the recession of the  photosphere via a recombination wave propagating inward through the  ionized H of the expanding outer shell. In no case can a normal SN  powered by the \NiFiftySix decay chain exhibit the decline rate of  $t_3<8$ days that has been observed for \spock. Furthermore, the  observed peak luminosities for both \spock events are too low for most  Type I or Type II SN, which peak at $\sim10^{42}$ to $10^{43}$ erg  s$^{-1}$.  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide} also shows that the  \spock events are far too faint and far too fast to belong to the less  well-understood classes of Superluminous SNe  \citep{Gal-Yam:2012,Arcavi:2016}, which have peak luminosities  $>10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and take at least 10's of days to decline by 2  magnitudes. \spockone and \spocktwo also decline too rapidly to match  the most common categories of peculiar SNe and ``SN-like'' transients  such as Type Iax SNe \citep{Foley:2013a}, fast optical transients  \citep{Drout:2014}, Ca-rich SNe  \citep{Filippenko:2003,Perets:2011,Kasliwal:2012}, or Luminous Red  Novae \citep[also called intermediate luminosity red  transients][]{Munari:2002,Kulkarni:2007,Kasliwal:2011}.  Dashed boxes in Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide}  represent categories of stellar explosions that have been  theoretically predicted and extensively modeled, but for which very  few viable candidates have actually been observed. One of these is  the ``.Ia'' class, due to explosions of a He shell on the surface of a  white dwarf \citep{Bildsten:2007}. Theoretical .Ia models suggest  that after an initial short peak (3-5 days) driven by the rapid  radioactive decay of \ion{Cr}{48} and \ion{Fe}{52} at the exterior of  the ejecta, a secondary decline phase kicks in, powered by the slower  \ion{Ni}{56} decay chain \citep{Shen:2010}. There are only two .Ia  candidates in the literature \citep{Poznanski:2010,Kasliwal:2010}, so  we do not have enough objects to empirically constrain the range of  .Ia light curve shapes. The best we can do is to conclude from the  available models that a .Ia light curve would be brighter and slower  than the observed \spock light curves.  A second dashed box in Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide}  represents the ``kilonova'' class (also called ``Macronovae'' or  ``mini-supernovae''), which are theorized to be generated by the  merger of two neutron stars (NSs). A NS+NS merger can drive a  relativistic jet that may be observed as a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) and  would emit gravitational waves. These may also be accompanied by a  very rapid optical light curve (the kilonova component) that is driven  by the radioactive decay of r-process elements in the ejecta  \citep{Li:1998a,Kulkarni:2005}. To date there are two cases of fast  optical transients associated with GRB events, which have been  interpreted as possible kilonovae \citep{Perley:2009,Tanvir:2013}.  The \spock transients fall within the range of theoretically predicted  peak luminosity and decline times for kilonovae. However, the rise  time for the \spockone event is at least 5 days in the rest-frame,  which is significantly longer than the $<1$ day rise expected for a  kilonova \citep[e.g.][]{Metzger:2010,Barnes:2013,Kasen:2015}.  Furthermore, both \spock events are either significantly fainter or  faster than the optical light curves for the two existing kilonova  candidates.  An additional challenge to all of the models discussed above, from  supernova to .Ia to kilonova, is that all of these stellar explosions  are one-time events. For the common categories of Type Ia, Type Iax,  Core Collapse, and Superluminous SNe, the progenitor stars are  completely destroyed by the explosion. Some SN-like explosions --  such as the He shell explosions in the .Ia SN model -- could leave the  progenitor star at least partially intact. However, even then the  mass lost from the system would be sufficient to fatally disrupt the  mass accretion process, preventing the system from evolving back to  generate another similar explosion. These catastrophic stellar  explosions are also intrinsically rare (fewer than 1 event per century  per 10$^11$ \Msun), as they require progenitor systems that start as high  mass stars and/or close binary systems that can sustain mass transfer.  Thus, the only way to reconcile a cataclysmic explosion model with the  two observed \spock events is to either (a) invoke a highly  serendipitous occurrence of two unrelated explosions in the same host  galaxy in the same year, or (b) assert that the two events are two  images of the same explosive event, appearing to us separately only  because of a gravitational lensing time delay \citep[as was the case  for the 5 images of SN Refsdal][]{Kelly:2015a,Kelly:2016}.  For the former scenario of two unrelated explosions, we have already  ruled out all of the most common categories of stellar explosions  based on the properties of the light curve. The only models that can  accommodate the observed rapid light curves are the kilonova model and  perhaps the .Ia scenario. As there are no measured rates of .Ia or  kilonovae, it is difficult to accurately quantify the likelihood of  detecting such rare events. However, we have observed no other  transients with similar luminosity and light curve shapes in the  high-cadence surveys of 5 other Frontier Fields clusters. Thus, it  appears unreasonable to allow that two such explosions would occur in  the same galaxy in a single year.  Scenario (b), in which a lensing time delay causes the two events, is  also highly implausible. We have seen in  Section~\ref{sec:LensingModels} that none of the \macs0416 lens models  predict an 8 month time delay between appearances in image 11.1 and  11.2. This is represented in Figure~\ref{fig:SpockDelayPredictions},  where we have plotted the light curves for the two transient events,  along with shaded vertical bars marking the time delay predictions of  all models.  %The lens models are broadly consistent with each other, predicting  %that the lensing time delay between images 11.1 and 11.2 is on the  %order of $\pm$60 days, far short of the 238 day lag that was observed  %between \spockone\ and \spocktwo.  To accept the alternative single-explosion explanation for \spock, we  would have to assume that a large systematic bias is similarly  affecting all of the lens models. While we cannot rule out such a  bias, the consistency of the lens modeling makes any catastrophic  (i.e., non-repeating) explosion model less tenable.  \subsection{Recurrent Nova Model}  Novae are represented in  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide} as a grey band, which  traces the maximum magnitude - rate of decline (MMRD) relation. Nova  explosions occur in binary star systems in which the more massive star  is a white dwarf that accretes matter from its companion, which may be  a main sequence dwarf or evolved giant star overfilling its Roche  Lobe. The white dwarf builds up a dense layer of H-rich material on  its surface until the high pressure and temperature triggers nuclear  fusion, resulting in a surface explosion that causes the white dwarf  to brighten by several orders of magnitude, but does not completely  disrupt the star. In a recurrent nova (RN) system, the mass transfer  from the companion to the white dwarf restarts after the explosion, so  the cycle may begin again and repeat after a period of months or  years.  The seminal work of \citet{Zwicky:1936} and \citet{McLaughlin:1939}  first showed that more luminous novae within the Milky Way tend to  have more rapidly declining light curves, which is now the basis of  the maximum-magnitude versus rate-of-decline (MMRD) relationship. The  basic form of the MMRD relation has been theoretically attributed to a  dependence of the peak luminosity on the mass of the accreting white  dwarf \citep[e.g.][]{Livio:1992}. Studies of extragalactic novae  reaching as far as the Virgo cluster have shown that the MMRD relation  is broadly applicable to all nova populations, though with significant  scatter  \citep[e.g.][]{Ciardullo:1990,DellaValle:1995,Ferrarese:2003,Shafter:2011}.  Amidst that scatter, there may also be sub-populations of novae that  deviate from the traditional MMRD form \citep{Kasliwal:2011}, and  recurrent novae (RNe) in particular may be poorly represented by the  MMRD \citep{Shafter:2011,Hachisu:2015}  In Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide}, the dark grey  region follows the empirical constraints on the MMRD from  \citet{DellaValle:1995}, and the wider light grey band allows for the  increased scatter about that relation that has been noted from more  extensive surveys of novae in the Milky Way \citep{Downes:2000}, M31  \citep{Shafter:2011} and elsewhere in the local group  \citep{Kasliwal:2011}. Nova outbursts can exhibit decline times from  $\sim$1 day to many months, so the timescale of the \spock light  curves can easily be accommodated by the nova scenario. However, the  peak luminosities inferred for the \spock events are larger than any  known novae, perhaps by as much as 2 orders of magnitude.  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTime} shows a narrower slice of  the same phase space as in  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTimeWide}, zooming in on the  ``fast and faint'' region from the lower left corner. The observed  constraints from the two published kilonova candidates are shown,  which provide only lower limits on the peak luminosity  \citep{Tanvir:2013}, or the decline timescale \citep{Perley:2009}.  The sample of observed nova outbursts (shown as solid points)  demonstrates the observed scatter about the MMRD relation.   One primary first line of evidence supporting the nova hypothesis  comes from the \spock light curves. Some RN light curves are similar  in shape to the \spock episodes, exhibiting a sharp rise ($<10$ days  in the rest-frame) and a similarly rapid decline.  Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison} compares the \spock  light curves to template light curves from RNe within our galaxy and  in M31. There are 10 known RNe in the Milky Way galaxy, and 7 of  these exhibit outbursts that decline rapidly, fading by 2 magnitudes  in less than 10 days \citep{Schaefer:2010}  % U Sco, V2487 Oph, V394 CrA, T CrB, RS Oph, V745 Sco, and V3890 Sgr.  The gray shaded region in  Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison} encompasses the V  band light curve templates for all 7 of these events, from  \citet{Schaefer:2010}. The Andromeda galaxy (M31) also hosts at least  one RN with a rapidly declining light curve. The 2014 eruption of  this well-studied nova, M31N 2008a-12, is shown as a solid black line  in Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison}, fading by 2  mags in less than 3 days. This comparison demonstrates that the  sudden disappearance of both of the \spock transient events is fully  consistent with the eruptions of known RNe in the local universe.  The second reason to consider the RN model is that it provides a  natural explanation for having two separate explosions that are  coincident in space but not in time. If \spock is a RN, then the two  observed episodes can be attributed to two distinct nova eruptions,  and the gravitational lensing time delay does not need to match the  observed 8 month separation between the January and August 2014  appearances.  Although {\it qualitatively} consistent with the 8-month separation,  the RN model is strained by a quantitative assessment of the  recurrence period. If \spock is indeed a RN at $z=1$, then the  recurrence timescale in the rest-frame is $120\pm30$ days ($3-5$  months), where the uncertainty accounts for the $1\sigma$ range of  modeled gravitational lensing time delays. This would be a singularly  rapid recurrence period, significantly faster than all 11 RNe in our  own galaxy, which have recurrence timescales ranging from 15 years (RS  Oph) to 80 years (T CrB). For the 5 galactic RNe with a rapidly  declining outburst light curve (U Sco, V2487 Oph, V394 CrA, T CrB, and  V745 Sco), the median recurrence timescale is 21 years. The fastest  measured recurrence timescale belongs to the Andromeda galaxy nova  M31N 2008a-12, which has exhibited a new outburst every year from  2009-2015  \citep{Tang:2014,Darnley:2014,Darnley:2015,Henze:2015,Henze:2015a}. Although  this M31 record-holder demonstrates that very rapid recurrence is  possible, classifying \spock as a RN would still require a very  extreme mass transfer rate to accommodate the $<1$ year recurrence.  A second major concern with the RN hypothesis for \spock is apparent  in Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTime}, which shows that the  two \spock events are substantially brighter than all known novae --  perhaps by as much as 2 orders of magnitude. One might attempt to  reconcile the \spock luminosity more comfortably with the nova class  by assuming a significant lensing magnification for one of the two  events. This would drive down the intrinsic luminosity, perhaps to  $\sim10^{40}$ erg s${-1}$, on the edge of the nova region. However,  this assumption implicitly moves the lensing critical curve to be  closer to the \spock event in question. That pulls the critical curve  away from the other \spock position, which makes that second event  {\rm more inconsistent} with observed nova peak luminosities.   \subsection{Non-explosive Astrophysical Transients}  There are several categories of astrophysical transients that we have  neglected so far, but which cannot accommodate the observations of the  \spock transients. We may first dismiss any of the category of {\it  periodic} sources (e.g. Cepheids, RR Lyrae, or Mira variables) that  exhibit regular changes in flux due to pulsations of the stellar  photosphere. These variable stars do not exhibit sharp, isolated  transient episodes that could match the \spock light curve shapes.  We can also rule out active galactic nuclei (AGN), in which brief  transient episodes (a few days in duration) may be observed from  X-ray to infrared wavelengths.  The AGN hypothesis  for \spock is disfavored for three primary reasons:  %principally due to the quiescence of the  %\spock sources between the two observed episodes.  First, AGN that exhibit short-duration transient events also typically  exhibit slower variation on much longer timescales, which is not  observed at either of the \spock locations. Second, the spectrum  of the \spock host galaxy shows none of the broad emission lines that  are often (though not always) observed in AGN. Third, an AGN would  necessarily be located at the center of the host galaxy.  %The severe distortion of the  %host galaxy images makes it impossible to identify the location of the  %host center in images 11.1 and 11.2 from the galaxy morphology. Any  %spatial reconstruction at the source plane from the lens models would  %not be not precise enough for a useful test. However, since  %gravitational lensing is achromatic, if the \spock positions are  %coincident with the host galaxy center, then the color of the galaxy  %at each \spock location in images 11.1 and 11.2 should be consistent  %with the color at the center of the less distorted image 11.3.  In Figure~\ref{fig:HostGalaxyColor} and Section~\ref{sec:HostGalaxy}  we saw that there are minor differences in the host galaxy properties  (i.e. rest-frame U-V color and mean stellar age) from the \spockone  and \spocktwo locations to the center of the host galaxy at image 11.3  Although by no means definitive, this suggests that the \spock events  were not located at the physical center of the host galaxy, and  therefore are not related to an AGN.  Stellar flares provide a third very common source for optical  transient events. Relatively mild stellar flares may be caused by  magnetic activity in the stellar atmosphere, and the brightest flare  events (so-called ``superflares'') may be generated by perturbations  to the stellar atmosphere via interactions from a disk, a binary  companion, or a planet. In these circumstances the stars release a  {\em total} energy in the range of $10^{33}$ to $10^{38}$ erg over a  span of minutes to hours \citep{Balona:2012,Karoff:2016}. This falls  far short of the observed energy release from the \spock transients,  so we can also dismiss stellar flares as implausible for this source.  \subsection{Microlensing}  In the presence of strong gravitational lensing it is possible to  generate a transient event from lensing effects alone. In this case  the background source has a steady luminosity but the relative motion  of the source, lens, and observer causes the magnification of that  source to change rapidly with time.  A commonly observed example is the microlensing of a bright background  source (a quasar) by a galaxy-scale lens \citep{Wambsganss:2001,  Kochanek:2004}. In this optically thick microlensing regime, the  lensing potential along the line of sight to the quasar is composed of  many stellar-mass objects. Each compact object along the line of  sight generates a separate critical lensing curve, resulting in a  complex web of overlapping critical curves. As all of these lensing  stars are in motion relative to the background source, the web of  caustics will shift across the source position, leading to a  stochastic variability on timescales of months to years. This  scenario is inconsistent with the observed data, as the two \spock  events were far too short in duration and did not exhibit the repeated  ``flickering'' variation that would be expected from optically thick  microlensing.  A second possibility is through an isolated strong lensing event with  a rapid timescale, such as a background star crossing over a lensing  critical curve. This corresponds to the optically thin microlensing  regime, and is similar to the ``local'' microlensing light curves  observed when stars within our galaxy or neighboring dwarf galaxies  pass behind a massive compact halo object \citep{Paczynski:1986,  Alcock:1993, Aubourg:1993, Udalski:1993}. In the case of a star  crossing the caustic of a smooth lensing potential, the amplification  of the source flux would increase (decrease) with a characteristic  $t^{-1/2}$ profile as it moves toward (away from) the caustic. This  slowly evolving light curve transitions to a very sharp decline (rise)  when the star has moved to the other side of the caustic  \citep{Schneider:1986,MiraldaEscude:1991}. With a more complex lens  comprising many compact objects, the light curve would exhibit a  superposition of many such sharp peaks \citep{Lewis:1993}.  To generate an isolated microlensing event, the background source  would have to be the dominant source of luminosity in its environment,  meaning it must be a very bright O or B star with mass of order 10  \Msun. Depending on its age, the size of such a star would range from  a few to a few dozen times the size of the sun. The net relative  transverse velocity would be on the order of a few 100 km/s, which is  comparable to the orbital velocity of stars within a galaxy or  galaxies within a cluster. In the case of a smooth cluster potential---the  %timescale  %$\tau$ for the light curve of such a caustic crossing event is  %dictated by the radius of the source, $R$, and the net transverse  %velocity, $v$, of the source across the caustic, as:  %  %\begin{equation}  % \tau = 6\frac{R}{5\,\Rsun}\frac{300 {\rm km~ s}^{-1}}{v}~\rm{hr}  %\label{eqn:caustic_crossing_time}  %\end{equation}  %  %  %\noindent Thus, the  characteristic timescale of such an event would be on the order of  hours or days \citet{Chang:1979,Chang:1984,MiraldaEscude:1991}, which  is in the vicinity of the timescales observed for the \spock events.  However, if we apply this scenario to the \macs0416 field, we can not  plausibly generate two events with similar decay timescales at  distinct locations on the sky. This is because a caustic-crossing  transient event must necessarily appear at the location of the lensing  critical curve, but in this case the critical curve most likely passes  between the two observed \spock locations. At best, a caustic crossing  could account for only one of the \spock events, not both.         

invoke either two separate sources in the same galaxy or explain the  time separation wholly as a result of gravitational lensing.  \todo{Add references.}  \todo{Make a figure showing the light curves compared to those fast  transient models}  \subsection{Microlensing}  In the presence of strong gravitational lensing it is possible to  generate a transient event from lensing effects alone. In this case  the background source has a steady luminosity but the relative motion  of the source, lens, and observer causes the magnification of that  source to change rapidly with time.  A commonly observed example is the microlensing of a background quasar  by a galaxy-scale lens \citep{Wambsganss:2001, Kochanek:2004}. In  this optically thick microlensing regime, the lensing potential along  the line of sight to the quasar is composed of many stellar-mass  objects. Each compact object along the line of sight generates a  separate critical lensing curve, resulting in a complex web of  overlapping critical curves. As all of these lensing stars are in  motion relative to the background source, the web of caustics will  shift across the source position, leading to a stochastic variability  on timescales of months to years. This scenario is inconsistent with  the observed data, as the two \spock events were far too short in  duration and did not exhibit the repeated ``flickering'' variation  that would be expected from optically thick microlensing.  A second possibility is through an isolated strong lensing event with  a rapid timescale, such as a background star crossing over a lensing  critical curve. This corresponds to the optically thin microlensing  regime, and is similar to the ``local'' microlensing light curves  observed when stars within our galaxy or neighboring dwarf galaxies  pass behind a massive compact halo object \citep{Paczynski:1986,  Alcock:1993, Aubourg:1993, Udalski:1993}. In the case of a star  crossing the caustic of a smooth lensing potential, the amplification  of the source flux would increase (decrease) with a characteristic  $t^{-1/2}$ profile as it moves toward (away from) the caustic. This  slowly evolving light curve transitions to a very sharp decline (rise)  when the star has moved to the other side of the caustic  \citep{Schneider:1986,MiraldaEscude:1991}. With a more complex lens  comprising many compact objects, the light curve would exhibit a  superposition of many such sharp peaks \citep{Lewis:1993}.  To generate an isolated microlensing event, the background source  would have to be the dominant source of luminosity in its environment,  meaning it must be a very bright O or B star with mass of order 10  \Msun. Depending on its age, the size of such a star would range from  a few to a few dozen times the size of the sun. The net relative  transverse velocity would be on the order of a few 100 km/s, which is  comparable to the orbital velocity of stars within a galaxy or  galaxies within a cluster. \citet{MiraldaEscude:1991} showed  that---in the case of a smooth cluster potential---the  %timescale  %$\tau$ for the light curve of such a caustic crossing event is  %dictated by the radius of the source, $R$, and the net transverse  %velocity, $v$, of the source across the caustic, as:  %  %\begin{equation}  % \tau = 6\frac{R}{5\,\Rsun}\frac{300 {\rm km~ s}^{-1}}{v}~\rm{hr}  %\label{eqn:caustic_crossing_time}  %\end{equation}  %  %  %\noindent Thus, the  characteristic timescale of such an event would be on the order of  hours or days, which is in the vicinity of the timescales observed for  the \spock events. However, this scenario could not plausibly  generate two events with similar decay timescales at distinct  locations on the sky. This is because a caustic-crossing transient  event must necessarily appear at the location of the lensing critical  curve, but in this case the critical curve most likely passes between  the two \spock locations. At best, a caustic crossing could account  for only one of the \spock events, not both.  \subsection{Single Explosion, Time Delayed} 

``gravitational echoes'' were simply not observed, as they landed in  one of the long periods without \HST observations on this field.  Adopting this hypothesis immediately rules out any catastrophic  explosive events---such as a supernova or neutron star merger---in  which the progenitor system is completely destroyed or disrupted. This  scenario also does not admit any of the category of {\it variable}  sources (e.g. Cepheids, RR Lyrae, or Mira variables) that exhibit  periodic changes in flux due to pulsations of the stellar photosphere  but do not have sharp, isolated transient episodes.  There are two broad categories of astrophysical sources with  recurrent explosive events that might fit this scenario. The first is  active galactic nuclei (AGN), in which transient episodes can be  driven by clumps of matter falling onto the accretion disk of a  supermassive black hole. The second is a recurrent stellar explosion,  such as a recurrent nova (RN) or luminous blue variable (LBV) star.  In a RN system a white dwarf star accretes matter from a close binary  companion and experiences a surface explosion that leaves the system  intact to restart the cycle. The LBV stars are very massive evolved  stars ($\sim$10-100 \Msun) that exhibit occasional outbursts or  eruptions associated with significant mass loss episodes -- although  the exact physical mechanism for these events remains unclear.  The AGN hypothesis is disfavored principally due to the quiescence of  the \spock sources between episodes. In addition to stochastic and  brief transient events, most AGN also exhibit slower  variation on much longer timescales, which is not observed at either  of the \spock locations. Furthermore, the spectrum of the \spock host  galaxy shows none of the broad emission lines that are often (though  not always) observed in AGN. Finally, an AGN would necessarily be  located at the center of the host galaxy.  %The severe distortion of the  %host galaxy images makes it impossible to identify the location of the  %host center in images 11.1 and 11.2 from the galaxy morphology. Any  %spatial reconstruction at the source plane from the lens models would  %not be not precise enough for a useful test. However, since  %gravitational lensing is achromatic, if the \spock positions are  %coincident with the host galaxy center, then the color of the galaxy  %at each \spock location in images 11.1 and 11.2 should be consistent  %with the color at the center of the less distorted image 11.3.  In Figure~\ref{fig:HostGalaxyColor} and Section~\ref{sec:HostGalaxy}  we saw that there are minor differences in the host galaxy properties  (i.e. rest-frame U-V color and mean stellar age) from the \spockone  and \spocktwo locations to the center of the host galaxy at image 11.3  Although by no means definitive, this suggests that the \spock events  were not located at the physical center of the host galaxy, and  therefore are not related to an AGN.  \todo{Discuss LBV eruptions}           

\section{Recurrent Nova Model}  \label{sec:RecurrentNovaModel}  In this section we argue that the \spock events were most likely  generated by two separate outbursts from a single stellar source, such  as a Recurrent Nova (RN) system. A nova explosion can occur in a  binary star system in which the more massive star is a white dwarf  that accretes matter from its companion, which may be a main sequence  dwarf or evolved giant star overfilling its Roche Lobe. The white  dwarf builds up a dense layer of H-rich material on its surface until  the high pressure and temperature triggers nuclear fusion, resulting  in a surface explosion that causes the white dwarf to brighten by  several orders of magnitude, but does not completely disrupt the  star. In a RN system, the mass transfer from the companion to the  white dwarf restarts after the explosion, so the cycle may begin again  and repeat after a period of months or years. As we demonstrate  below, this model can accommodate all of the available evidence.  However, we will see that the luminosity and light curve of the \spock  events would imply that this is physically a very extreme RN system.  \subsection{Decline Rate}  A first line of evidence supporting the nova hypothesis comes from the  \spock light curves. Some RN light curves are similar in shape to the  \spock episodes, exhibiting a sharp rise ($<10$ days in the  rest-frame) and a similarly rapid decline.  Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison} compares the \spock  light curves to template light curves from RNe within our galaxy and  in M31. There are 10 known RNe in the Milky Way galaxy, and 7 of  these exhibit outbursts that decline rapidly, fading by 2 magnitudes  in less than 10 days \citep{Schaefer:2010}  % U Sco, V2487 Oph, V394 CrA, T CrB, RS Oph, V745 Sco, and V3890 Sgr.  The gray shaded region in  Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison} encompasses the V  band light curve templates for all 7 of these events, from  \citet{Schaefer:2010}. The Andromeda galaxy (M31) also hosts at least  one RN with a rapidly declining light curve. The 2014 eruption of  this well-studied nova, M31N 2008a-12, is shown as a solid black line  in Figure~\ref{fig:RecurrentNovaLightCurveComparison}, fading by 2  mags in less than 3 days. This comparison demonstrates that the  sudden disappearance of both of the \spock transient events is fully  consistent with the eruptions of known RNe in the local universe.  \subsection{Recurrence}  The second reason to consider the RN model is that it provides a  natural explanation for having two separate explosions that are  coincident in space but not in time. If \spock is a RN, then the two  observed episodes can be attributed to two distinct nova eruptions,  and the gravitational lensing time delay does not need to match the  observed 8 month separation between the January and August 2014  appearances. Alternatively, one might suppose that the two \spock  events are actually two images of the same physical episode, appearing  to us separately only because of the lensing delay -- as was the case  for the 5 images of SN Refsdal \citep{Kelly:2015a,Kelly:2016}.  % For SN Refsdal  % the lens models were collectively very accurate in predicting the time  % delays between the 4 images in the Einstein cross configuration  % \citep{Treu:2015b,Rodney:2016} and the return as a fifth image  % \citep{Kelly:2016}. The lens modeling for \spock uses much of the same  % methodology, so there is no a priori reason to be suspicious of the  % time delay predictions.  However, we have seen in Section~\ref{sec:LensingModels} that none of  the \macs0416 lens models predict an 8 month time delay between  appearances in image 11.1 and 11.2. This is represented in  Figure~\ref{fig:SpockDelayPredictions}, where we have plotted the  light curves for the two transient events, along with shaded vertical  bars marking the time delay predictions of all models.  %The lens models are broadly consistent with each other, predicting  %that the lensing time delay between images 11.1 and 11.2 is on the  %order of $\pm$60 days, far short of the 238 day lag that was observed  %between \spockone\ and \spocktwo.  To accept the alternative single-explosion explanation  for \spock, we would have to assume that a large systematic bias is  similarly affecting all of the lens models. While we cannot rule out  such a bias, the consistency of the lens modeling makes a recurrent  explosion model more tenable.  Although {\it qualitatively} consistent, the RN model is strained by a  quantitative assessment of the recurrence period. If \spock is indeed  a RN at $z=1$, then the recurrence timescale in the rest-frame is  $120\pm30$ days ($3-5$ months), where the uncertainty accounts for the  $1\sigma$ range of modeled gravitational lensing time delays. This  would be a singularly rapid recurrence period, significantly faster  than all 11 RNe in our own galaxy, which have recurrence timescales  ranging from 15 years (RS Oph) to 80 years (T CrB). For the 5 galactic  RNe with a rapidly declining outburst light curve (U Sco, V2487 Oph,  V394 CrA, T CrB, and V745 Sco), the median recurrence timescale is 21  years. The fastest measured recurrence timescale belongs to the  Andromeda galaxy nova M31N 2008a-12, which exhibits a new outburst  every year. Although this M31 record-holder demonstrates that very  rapid recurrence is possible, classifying \spock as a RN would still  require a very extreme mass transfer rate to accommodate the $<1$ year  recurrence.  \subsection{Luminosity}  To infer a peak luminosity for both \spock events, we combine the  linear fits to the light curves (shown in  Figure~\ref{fig:LightCurveLinearFits}) with the predicted range of  lensing magnifications (Figure~\ref{fig:LensModelContours}. Given any  assumption for the time of peak brightness, we use the extrapolated  light curve fits to deduce the peak magnitude in an observed bandpass  and a corresponding rise-time and decline-time measurement. We then  convert this observed peak magnitude to a luminosity (e.g., in  erg/s) by correcting for the luminosity distance (assuming a standard  \LCDM cosmology) and the lensing magnification.  Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTime} shows the resulting  constraints on the peak luminosity and the decline time, which we  quantify as $t_3$, the time over which the transient declines by 3  magnitudes. Shaded green and red bands for the \spock events  encompass the allowed $1\sigma$ range for the lensing magnification as  reported in Table~\ref{tab:LensModelPredictions}, covering $\mu\sim10$  to $\mu\sim100$. The two events are largely consistent with each  other, and if both events are representative of a single RN system  then the most likely peak luminosity and decline time (the region with  the most overlap) would be $L_{\rm pk}\sim10^{41}$ ergs/s and  $t_3\sim1.8$ days. This is substantially faster and brighter than any  known nova system in the Milky Way or M31.   The seminal work of \citet{Zwicky:1936} and \citet{McLaughlin:1939}  first showed that more luminous novae within the Milky Way tend to  have more rapidly declining light curves, which is now the basis of  the maximum-magnitude versus rate-of-decline (MMRD) relationship. The  basic form of the MMRD relation has been theoretically attributed to a  dependence of the peak luminosity on the mass of the accreting white  dwarf \citep[e.g.][]{Livio:1992}. Studies of extragalactic novae  reaching as far as the Virgo cluster have shown that the MMRD relation  is broadly applicable to all nova populations, though with significant  scatter  \citep[e.g.][]{Ciardullo:1990,DellaValle:1995,Ferrarese:2003,Shafter:2011}.  Amidst that scatter, there may also be sub-populations of novae that  deviate from the traditional MMRD form \citep{Kasliwal:2011}.  As Figure~\ref{fig:PeakLuminosityDeclineTime} shows, the \spock events  are extreme outliers relative to the MMRD relation, regardless of the  assumed values for magnification and time of peak brightness. The most luminous novae observed in the local universe were all somewhat slower in their decline rate   SN 2010U has t2 = 3.5 ± 0.3 days and the rise time is unconstrained.  t2 = 6 ± 1 days (L91; Schwarz et al. 2001) and t2 = 9.5 days (M31N; Shafter et al. 2009). By comparison,   L91 (Della Valle 1991; Schwarz et al. 2001; Williams et al. 1994) and M31N-2007-11d (Shafter et al. 2009)  The preferred peak luminosity of  $10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ that we have inferred for \spock would imply  that this is among the most luminous novae ever observed.  extremely luminous novae \citep{Czekala:2013}  was an Fe II nova, inconsistent with the usual picture of He/N novae as the brightest with the most massive WDs.  Two other luminous Fe ii type novae have been studied extensively: , hereafter M31N.  The rise to maximum of L91 is among the longest for novae on record, with a peak of Mv = −10.0 mag. The light curve of L91 shown here is drawn from the photometry published in the circulars (Shore et al. 1991; Gilmore 1991; Gilmore et al. 1991; Liller et al. 1991; Della Valle et al. 1991). Shafter et al. (2009) set a lower limit of four days on the rise time for M31N from quiescence to a maximum light of MV ≃ −9.5 mag.  Both novae declined rapidly from maximum light with   Furthermore, the spectroscopic classification  of Novae is also correlated with their luminosity and light curve  decline time: those showing prominent He/N features are brighter and  fade faster than those with spectra dominated by Fe II lines.  fast and faint novae don't follow the MMRD \citep{Kasliwal:2011}  These observations are consistent with the classification of   consistent with the  short separation between observations of \spock.   Shafter et al 2011:  ``more luminous novae generally fade the fastest and [...] He/N novae  are typically faster and brighter than their Fe II counterparts. In  addition, we find a weak dependence of nova speed class on position in  M31, with the spatial distribution of the fastest novae being slightly  more extended than that of slower novae.''  Recurrent novae make up roughly 25\% of the nova population  (masquerading as CNe \citep{Pagnotta:2014}.         

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