Steven A. Rodney edited Observations.tex  over 8 years ago

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infrared and optical bands using the WFC3-IR and ACS-WFC detectors,  respectively, as well as spectroscopy of the \spock\ host galaxy using  the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the Visible Multi-object  Spectrograph (VIMOS, \textcolor{red}{citation?}), \citep[VIMOS][]{LeFevre:2003},  and also using the X-shooter cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph  \citep{Vernet:2011}. The X-shooter observations (Program 093.A-0667(A), PI: J. Hjorth) were taken on October 19th,  21st and 23rd (2014) with the slit centered on the position of \spock2.   The total integration time was 4.0 hours for the NIR arm of X-shooter,  

\citep{Benitez:2000}, and $z=0.92\pm0.05$, derived using the EAZY  program \citep{Brammer:2008}.  The VIMOS observations were collected as part of the CLASH-VLT large program (Program 186.A-0.798; P.I.: P. Rosati; \citealt{Rosati:2014}), which collected $\sim$4000 reliable redshifts over 600 arcmin$^2$ in the \macs0416 field \citep{Grillo:2015a,Balestra:2015}. These massively multi-object observations could potentially have provided confirmation of the redshift of the \spock host galaxy with separate spectral line identifications in each of the three host galaxy images. On the \macs0416 field this program collected 1 hr of useful exposure time in good seeing conditions with the Low Resolution Blue grism. Unfortunately, the wavelength range of this grism (3600-6700 \aa) does not include any strong emission lines for a source at z=1.0054, and the signal-to-noise (S/N) was not sufficient to provide any clear line identifications for the three images of the \spock host galaxy.   A final potential source for redshift information relevant to \spock is the Grism Lens Amplified Survey from Space \citep[GLASS; PID: HST-GO-13459; PI:T. Treu][]{Schmidt:2014,Treu:2015a}. The GLASS program collected slitless spectroscopy on the \macs0416 field using the WFC3-IR G102 and G141 grisms on \HST. As with the VLT VIMOS data, the three sources identified as images of the \spock host galaxy are too faint in the GLASS data to provide any useful line identifications. There are also no other sources in the GLASS redshift catalog\footnote{\url{}} that have a spectroscopic redshift consistent with z=1.0054.  Table \TODO{(add a table with photometry)} %~\ref{tab:Photometry}  and Figure~\ref{fig:LightCurves} present   photometry of the \spock\ events