srodney tightened up some astrophysical models text  almost 8 years ago

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\subsection{Microlensing}  In a strong-lensing regime the presence of strong gravitational lensing  it is possible to generate a transient event from lensing effects alone (Scenario~\ref{case:microlensing}). In this case the background source has a steady luminosity but the relative motion of the source, lens lens,  and observer causes the magnification of that source to change rapidly with time. A commonly observed example is the microlensing of a background quasar  by a galaxy-scale lens \citep{Wambsganss:2001, Kochanek:2004}. In 

duration and did not exhibit the repeated ``flickering'' variation  that would be expected from optically thick microlensing.  A second possibility is through an isolatedtransient  strong lensing event, event with  a rapid timescale,  such as a background star crossing over a lensing critical curve. This corresponds to the optically thin microlensing regime, and is similar to the ``local'' microlensing light curves observed when stars within our galaxy or neighboring dwarf galaxies pass behind a massive compact halo object \citep{Paczynski:1986, Alcock:1993, Aubourg:1993, Udalski:1993}. In the case of a star crossing the caustic of a smooth lensing potential, the amplification of the source flux would rise (fall) with a characteristic $t^{-1/2}$ profile, and would exhibit a very sharp decline (increase) on the other side of the caustic \citep{Schneider:1986,MiraldaEscude:1991}. With a more complex lens comprising many compact objects, the light curve would exhibit a superposition of many such sharp peaks \citep{Lewis:1993}. To generate an isolated microlensing event, the background source  would have to be the dominant source of luminosity in its environment, 

transverse velocity would be on the order of a few 100 km/s, which is  comparable to the orbital velocity of stars within a galaxy or  galaxies within a cluster. \citet{MiraldaEscude:1991} showed  that---in the case of a smooth cluster potential---the timescale  $\tau$ %timescale  %$\tau$  for the light curve of such a caustic crossing event is dictated %dictated  by the radius of the source, $R$, and the net transverse velocity, %velocity,  $v$, of the source across the caustic, as: \begin{equation} %  %\begin{equation}  %  \tau = 6\frac{R}{5\,\Rsun}\frac{300 {\rm km~ s}^{-1}}{v}~\rm{hr} \label{eqn:caustic_crossing_time}  \end{equation}  \noindent %\label{eqn:caustic_crossing_time}  %\end{equation}  %  %  %\noindent  Thus, the characteristic timescale of such an event would be on the order of hours or days, which is in the vicinity of the timescales observed for the \spock events. However, this scenario could not plausibly generate two events with similar decay timescales at distinct locations on the sky. To invoke This is because  a caustic crossing for  \spockone, caustic-crossing transient  event must necessarily appear at the location of  the lensing critical curve would have to be coincident with  the \spockone position, curve, but  in which this  case the critical curve most likely passes between  the two \spock locations. At best, a  caustic crossing  could not also  intersect account  for only one of  the \spocktwo location. \spock events, not both.  \subsection{Single Explosion, Time Delayed} 

is problematic. All five lens models indicate that the locations of  the two events are within \TODO{How many arcsec? how many pc?}.  \TODO{Evaluate \TODO{Make a figure that plots  the SED of this host galaxy pixel by pixel to determine  whether at  the two  spock locations and at the center of the host galaxy image 11.3.  Quantitatively assess the probability that the three SEDs  are consistent with being at  the same location on the source plane. } Having two unrelated explosions occurring in the same  year within such a small physical area would be plausible if the  explosions were from a very common source, but the rapid light curve  already rules out all normal of the common  categories of supernova explosions. Since we have not observed any similar fast transients in any other  galaxy throughout the Frontier Fields survey, to accept this scenario  we would have to conclude that the \spock host galaxy is a very 

\TODO{Evaluate kilonova, .Ia and Fast Optical transient light curves  compared to the Spock light curves}  \TODO{Evaluate the likelihood of two rare explosions appearing in the  same lensed host galaxy, comparing to rates from PS1, etc.}  \subsection{Two Events from the Same Source}  An The final  alternative is to allow two separate explosive events powered by the same astrophysical source (Scenario \ref{case:recurrent}). In this case the observed events must be spatially coincident but not coincident in time, which is fully consistent with all lens model constraints. The two \spock events would each have been repeated  (either before or after we observed it) Any transient event that  appears  at the other position due to \spockone\ location must also appear at  the \spocktwo\ location, separated in time by a  gravitational lensing time delay. This hypothesis Our lens models suggest that the time delay would be on the  order of 10--50 days, so this scenario  supposes that those ``gravitational echoes'' were simply not observed, as they landed in one of the long periods without HST \HST  observations on this field. Adopting this hypothesis immediately rules out any catastrophic  explosive events---such as a supernova or neutron star merger---in