
Figure 11 is a table of the solition measurements made at different frequencies,driving amplitudes and their heights. Solitons were created by tuning to a resonant frequency and taking a “paddle” and moving it back and forth to see if a soliton would occur. Solitons were either observed, observed but quickly died out, or standing waves would occur. The table further shows this and for any measurement in height that looks like “i,i,i” that means that their is 3 solitons observed. For example for frequency of 10.9 Hz,amp of 1.60 there is a height described as “41,41,41”, so three solitons were observed. The solitons were difficult to create at first but after a few trials they became easier to make. Observed were many potential solitons that would get started but couldnt get enough amplitude to stay going. Some would get started and after some time turned into standing waves as noted by the last few measurements.