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\subsection{Problem/Assignment}  \subsubsection{Main goal}  The goal of the assignment is to create a fully functional running  game that is fun to use. To do this, the following milestones have  been created.  \begin{enumerate}  \item First of all the functions of a running app will be implemented. This  will include:  \begin{itemize}  \item GPS-positioning of the user.  \item The bearing of the user. (The user rotation relative to the compass  pointing north)  \item GPS-destinations that the user can run towards.  \item Statistics after a run.  \begin{itemize}  \item Time - The time you have been out running.  \item Distance - The total distance off your jogging.  \item Speed - Time per kilometer.  \item Altitude - Altitude-changes during the route.  \end{itemize}  \item Running High Scores.  \item Best time for given distances.  \end{itemize}  \item Secondly game functions will be implemented:  \begin{itemize}  \item Sound  \begin{itemize}  \item The sound will be directional, meaning that the sound will appear  to come from a specific direction of which the runner is supposed  to run towards - by balancing the audio level between the left and  right ear \citep{Roads1996}.  \item The level of the audio will change as the user is approaching or running  away from the GPS coordinate set as target.  \end{itemize}  \item Putting a monster on the map, which will be a moving destination.  Games with monsters might be:  \begin{itemize}  \item BETA - With the help of audio-navigation you have to run to a predefined  spot on the map.  \item Freerun - You can run anywhere you want without any special goals  while monsters are chasing you.  \item Quest - With the help of audio-navigation you have to run to a predefined  spot on the map while monsters are chasing you.  \item Under attack - You can run anywhere you want but the amount of monsters  that are chasing you are continuously growing and are becoming faster  until they catch you.  \item Shooter - A mode more focused on hunting then running. While out running  use your cellphone as a weapon and hunt down monsters.  \end{itemize}  Each of these modes will require a set of features, some probably  easier to implement than others. A table of the required features  can be found in \prettyref{fig:Scheme-of-features}.  \item Game High Scores  \begin{itemize}  \item Most coins taken during a run  \item Most monsters avoided during a run  \end{itemize}  \end{itemize}  \begin{figure}[h]  \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{\lyxdot \lyxdot /\lyxdot \lyxdot /\lyxdot \lyxdot /Dropbox/Chalmers/Kandidatarbete/tabbellfeatures}\caption{Scheme of what features are needed for different modes\label{fig:Scheme-of-features}}  \end{figure}  \item During the implementation of the game modes, a BETA-version will be  released. The BETA will then be evaluated usability wise by some test  persons. After getting feedback from the test group the app will be  updated accordingly to make sure that is is useable and fun to use.  \item Finally, if there is time, some advanced and further game functions  will be implemented:  \begin{itemize}  \item Multiplayer - Run together with a friend in the same game-world with  the same monsters and goals.  \item Some game mode including Geocaching%  \footnote{An outdoor ``Treasure hunt'' using GPS \citep{Groundspeak2014}.  \href{}{}%  } or Geocaching coordinates.  \end{itemize}  \end{enumerate}  \subsubsection{Plan B - Radio orienteering}  If the initial idea of a person running towards a directional sound  turns out to be a failure, the already written code will be used to  make an application to emulate radio orienteering - a sport where  the competitors have to find hidden controls by listening to a signal  caught up by a receiver carried by each contestant \citep{Radio-orienteringSverige2014}.  Instead of real controls and receivers, this application will rely  on generated GPS coordinartes and audio. By turning around with the  phone in hand, the audio level will change depending on if there’s  a control in the direction of which the phone is pointing. To clarify:  no panning will be involved - just the volume of the audio changing.  The GPS part of a radio orienteering application would work similar  to how it’d work in our initial application idea. The most drastic  change would be the audio not being panned, but instead relying completely  on the level of the sound always being in the centre - making it an  easier task to get working well. That would eliminate the problems  occurring when trying to make a sound appearing from a certain direction.