
If you want to use textual and parenthetical citations\cite{Welch}, you can do so by altering the \ cite command as follows:

  • \ citet{Welch} produces \citet{Einstein_1905}

  • \ citep{Welch} produces \citep{Einstein_1905}

  • \ citep[See e.g.][for a nice review]{Welch} produces \citep[See e.g.][for a nice review]{Einstein_1905}

  • \ cite{Welch,Einstein1922} produces \cite{Einstein_1905,Einstein_1922}

If you are using LaTeXML for Latex support and/or want your textual and parenthetical citations to also render nicely in the exported PDF, you have to include the following lines in your header.tex file (create it from the folder view, if it does not exist already): \usepackage{natbib} \bibliographystyle{plainnat}