Energy Loss Information

Ionization Chamber

The ionization chamber will be used for the recoil identification of the reaction. Characteristics of the chamber include:

Si Detectors

Energy ranges into Si for \(^{34}\)S primary and degraded, and \(^{32,33}\)Si recoils.

Beam/Recoil (Energy) Range into Si (\(\mu\)m) Energy loss in 80 \(\mu\)m (MeV) Energy remaining (MeV)
\(^{34}\)S (374 MeV) 150 162 212
\(^{34}\)S (330 MeV) 125 181 149
\(^{32}\)Si (323 MeV) 154 134 189
\(^{33}\)Si (317 MeV) 148 139 178