Virgil Șerbănuță edited untitled.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: c94fd62d073ce8d49934ff5452ef231972932725

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This is an attempt to reason about why our world is the way it is and what we can reasonably believe about it.  Many people believe that the world is designed and created and that it's unreasonable to believe that any world can exist without being created, and I agree with them. However, these beliefs are not shared by everyone, so it's worth thinking about what this means. If the our  world is created, then it's likely to be the way it is because its Creator\footnote{Not everybody that believes that the world is created thinks that God created it. Still, I hope that they would agree that capitalizing the Creator of this world is reasonable.} wanted it to have certain properties. In order to understand why our world works the way it does, one would need to understand the intent of its Creator. While that is interesting in itself, I will not try to pursue it here, except for a small related paragraph at the end. For the reminder of this \paper{}, let us consider the other case and assume that our world was not designed and created.