Virgil Șerbănuță edited untitled.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: 7866f9e4b9b963258d2491f687c8ebd716a95fdf

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[TODO: Use can't, won't, isn't and can not, will not, is not consistently.]  [TODO: Think a bit more about the fact that even statistically we can't model more than $0$].  [TODO: How can we observe the universe without having uniforme laws?]  [TODO: define "mathematical prediction" or something like that and use it here, since I have two meanings of prediction - I think this is done/not needed, I added a footnote in the only place where I use the normal meaning of prediction. I have to check. Maybe I should be more explicit about this.] this.  [TODO: Say that, from the hypothesis that the universe is not created and a few basic mathematical properties one can predict, with full certainty, that we can't know how a non-zero fraction of the observable part of our universe works, for many definitions of \ghilimele{fraction}. Either we can't apply any scientific theory to the distant past, future, or to distant places, or one of the starting axioms must be false, and I'm not betting on the mathematical statements being false.]  [TODO: Put an e-mail address in the footnote in the introduction.]  [TODO: Things to check at the end: my macro is used for \ghilimele{quotes}.]