Virgil Șerbănuță edited untitled.tex  over 8 years ago

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Besides the \ghilimele{finite description for a non-zero fraction of the observable universe} property, we can look at some of the properties of our universe like homogeneity, isotropy or having the same forces acting through the entire space or for all moments in time [TODO: Make sure that these are distinct]. It is harder to give a mathematical proof that these are zero-probability ones, but if we think that given a set of universes having any of these properties, sharing the same (mathematical space) and having at least two distinct elements, one can slice and recombine them in infinite ways, it is likely that these properties are also zero-probability ones. An example of such a combined possible universe is the one with infinite planets on a line mentioned above. In other words, the cosmological principle is (very) likely to be a zero-probability property. Similarly, if we take the rules for how the universe works as we perceive them, most likely there is a zero chance that they would apply through the entire universe and a very low chance that they would apply outside of earth / our solar system.  In other words, if our world is not designed, there is a good chance that we may know a lot about what happens on Earth, maybe something about what happens in our solar system, we almost surely don't know what happens in our galaxy and outside of it. Also, we have a good chance of knowing how the world works now and in the near past and future, but we probably don't know what were the physical laws in the distant past or how they will be in the distant future.  [TODO: put this below and link it to the conclusion.] [TODO: We experience gravity differently at various times and places - tides, variation from one place to another on Earth, on the Moon, when falling, although the law that describes gravitation does not change. We could imagine an universe where the actual law changes.]