Virgil Șerbănuță edited untitled.tex  about 8 years ago

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The argument is more complex in order to avoid various pitfalls, but the basic idea is this:  I am trying to compute the probability of our world given that it was not created. For any property $p$ such that our world has this property, the probability of our world is at most the probability of $p$, where the probability of $p$ is defined as  the probability of all the group of  worlds having the $p$ property. Then, if there is such a property $p$ whose probability is $0$ then $0$,  our world's probability is $0$. I will also discuss why it is enough to use that look at just one  property. The property $p$ for which I will attempt to show that it has a $0$ probability is \ghilimele{There is a mathematical theory that has a finite definition and is useful for making approximate predictions in a non-trivial part of our universe}.