Virgil Șerbănuță edited untitled.tex  about 8 years ago

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Since it started as a mathematical \paper{} I may use \ghilimele{we} instead of \ghilimele{I} more often than I should, but you should consider it an invitation to work together in discovering some ideas. And if some of those ideas are wrong or unclear\footnote{Given my lack of experience with philosophy this is more probable than I would like.}, I welcome counterarguments and feedback\footnote{Authorea allows everyone to comment on the \paper{}. I may switch to a different commenting system if it turns out that something better is needed. You can also try e-mailing design dash and dash chance at poarta dot org.}.  I recommend exporting this \paper{} as, say, PDF because Authorea makes it hard to read the footnotes.  % TODO: Maybe add a summary.  \section{Introduction}