Chuck-Hou Yee edited exhibits.tex  over 7 years ago

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\section{Exhibits}  \label{sec:exhibits}  In the following, we describe provide  four examples of the  design of correlated materials, spanning functional areas of encompassing materials displaying  charge-order, superconductivity and metal-insulator transitions. The field is still in its infancy and the exhibits span the development of the workflow itself.  We now provide several examples of different research projects Because  of material design projects. We emphasize this the  field is still in its infancy. rapidly developing, the different steps of the workflow are implemented to a different degree in each example.  We stress the tools which are currently in use, and in particular {\bf the role that correlations are playing in these material design projects}. At this point in time, material design projects arise from qualitative ideas which are inspired in the chemistry of existing compounds. [Should we say that in the future machine learning might give even more radical points of departure ?].