Chuck-Hou Yee Minor edits to workflow  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 73f96b5ed15991cceba5bbbc8bbde72709689608

deletions | additions      


\hline  electronic structure & structure => property & "bread-and butter" of electronic sturcture codes, DFT, DFT+DMFT \\   structure prediction & composition => structure & evolutionary algorithm, Monte Carlo, minima hopping \\   global stability & chemical system => composition &materials databases,  convex hull from materials databases  \\ \hline  \end{tabular}   \caption{Three-step workflow of materials design.}  \label{tbl:workflow}  \end{table}  The three stages are outlined in Table.~\ref{tbl:workflow} Table.~\ref{tbl:workflow}.  Correlated materials still looking for qualitative ideas, heuristics,. quote Mike Norman.  In correlated materials one does bits and pieces.  Importance of doing this in conjunction with experiments ( given the primitive stage of the theory )