Chuck-Hou Yee edited cuprates2.tex  over 7 years ago

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\label{sec:cuprates2}  With the hindsight of the experience of our first attempt in designing new  cuprates, we revisited the question of designing novel cuprates from a broader viewpoint. As shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:stack}, Taking the Hg-based cuprates as an example (Fig.~\ref{fig:stack}),  we view the cuprates as a stack of functional layers, with the composition of each layer chosen to play a specific role. Historically, most theoretical effort has been focused on the The  central copper oxide (CuO$_2$) layer, as the superconducting cooper pairs reside in this plane. However, plane supports  superconductivity and roughly constrains  the in-plane lattice constant. The  remaining layers are equally important: they are responsible for isolating each must tune the chemical potential of the  CuO$_2$ plane to produce a 2D system layer  withoutintroducing  rumpling the plane  or other structural distortions, introducing disorder,  and for tuning the chemical potential while ideally protecting the isolate each  CuO$_2$ plane from the chemical disorder of the dopants. to  create a 2D system.