Chuck-Hou Yee uncomment table  over 7 years ago

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$\Delta E$ & $\Delta V$ & {c}{Synthesis pathway} & \\  \hline  \hline  141 & -7.3 & La$_2$O$_2$S + CuS & $\rightarrow$ La$_2$CuO$_2$S$_2$\\%%  223 & -3.4 & Y$_2$O$_2$S + CuS & $\rightarrow$ Y$_2$CuO$_2$S$_2$\\%%  267 & -5.0 & Lu$_2$O$_2$S + CuS & $\rightarrow$ Lu$_2$CuO$_2$S$_2$\\%%  356 & -3.0 & Sc$_2$O$_2$S + CuS & $\rightarrow$ Sc$_2$CuO$_2$S$_2$\\%%  101 & -4.9 & La$_2$O$_2$S$_2$ + Cu & $\rightarrow$ La$_2$CuO$_2$S$_2$\\%%  \hline%%  148 & -3.3 & La$_2$O$_3$ + CuS & $\rightarrow$ La$_2$CuO$_3$S \\%%  454 & -0.7 & Sc$_2$O$_3$ + CuS & $\rightarrow$ Sc$_2$CuO$_3$S \\%%  97 & -4.9 & La$_2$O$_2$S + CuO & $\rightarrow$ La$_2$CuO$_3$S \\%%  269 & 2.8 & Sc$_2$O$_2$S + CuO & $\rightarrow$ Sc$_2$CuO$_3$S \\%%  \hline%%  28 & -5.1 & La$_2$O$_3$ + CuO & $\rightarrow$ La$_2$CuO$_4$ \\%%  \hline \end{tabular}  %%  \caption{Synthesis pathways for various cuprate oxysulfides based on%%  substitution of sulfur for both (top block) or only one (middle block) of%%  the apical oxygens in $R_2$CuO$_4$. Energies in kJ/mol and volumes in%%  kJ/mol/GPa. Since the energies of formation ($\Delta E = E_\text{products}%%  - E_\text{reactants}$) are positive, none of these pathways appear%%  favorable at ambient conditions. However, high-pressure synthesis will%%  help stabilize these pathways, since the majority of volume differentials%%  ($\Delta V = V_\text{products} - V_\text{reactants}$) are negative. We%%  benchmark our method against the standard synthesis pathway for%%  La$_2$CuO$_4$, shown on the last line. Surprisingly, $\Delta E$ is%%  +28~kJ/mol, so either DFT systemmatically overestimates enthalpies (which%%  means the actual enthalpies for our hypothetical compounds are%%  \emph{smaller}, in our favor), or we must add a bi-directional uncertainty%%  of $\pm 30$~kJ/mol to the computed enthalpies. Additionally, positional%%  entropy of the apical $S$ in the half-substituted $R_2$CuO$_3$S compounds%%  should also assist in synthesis.} \label{tbl:pathways}  \end{table}