Chuck-Hou Yee edited workflow.tex  over 7 years ago

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global stability & chemical system $\to$ composition & convex hull from materials databases \\  \hline  \end{tabular}   \caption{Three-step workflow of materials design.} design. While in nature, we start with a chemical system and progress upwards to properties, theoretical design has generally proceeded in the opposite direction.}  \end{table}  The three stages are outlined in Table.~\ref{tbl:workflow}. In a sense, the steps are opposite of the order taken in solid state synthesis. Here, elements and simple compounds in a chemical system are combined and subjected to heating/cooling programs to provide the kinetic energy necessary for atomic rearrangement to form new stoichiometries (of which there may be more than one). Simultaneously, the stoichiometries crystallize to form structures which are then isolated for further study. Roughly, steps 2 and 3 are simultaneous in experiment. Only after a new crystal structure has been isolated is the electronic properties of the material studied.