Chuck-Hou Yee edited cuprates1.tex  almost 8 years ago

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\subsection{Tuning the charge-transfer energy}  The cuprate superconductors are a classic example of correlate materials, where the sizable onsite Coulomb interaction on the copper 3$d$ orbitals is comparable with the kinetic energy of the electrons. Since the family of compounds exhibits the highest known superconducting transition temperatures at ambient pressure (superceded only by H$_3$S at extremely high pressures), they have been intensely studied since their discovery in the mid 1980s. Here, rather than pursuing low-energy model hamiltonians, we took a chemical approach and asked how could the chemistry of the materials be leveraged to tune superconductivity.  Specifically, we asked what chemical parameters very across the cuprates to give transition temperatures ranging from below 40K to over 130K. Based on a combination of first principles calculations and dynamical meaning field theory to directly model the superconducting state, we found that varying the charge transfer energy tunes superconductivity. Specifically, LSCO has the largest charge transfer energy and a small Tc. Moving across the cuprate family we found that as the charge transfer energy was reduced, the transition temperature increased. Inspired by this finding, we sought to design a new family of cuprates with reduced charge transfer gaps in hopes of finding higher transition temperatures.