Mazdak Farrokhzad edited b) Find the assignment of the rooms.tex  almost 10 years ago

Commit id: d2c416d97392dd371fd1daaeb7af1cc07c19c577

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return asList(rooms)  \end{verbatim}  \begin{algorithm}[H]  \caption{Finds the rooms that yield the largest number of simultaneously colliding lectures Input: $courses$ is the set of courses to compute for.  \label{alg:efficient-lsp-find}}  \begin{algorithmic}[1]  \Function{findLsp}{$courses$}  \Let{$courses$}{$\Call{sorted}{courses, \{c \to c.start()\}}$}  \Let{$rooms$}{$\Call{priorityQueue}{sorted: \{r \to r.getLast.finish()\}}$}  \For{$i \in courses$}  \Let{$room$}{$[]$}  \If{$len(rooms) > 0 \land \neg collides(i, rooms.peekFirst().getLast())$}  \Let{$room$}{$rooms.removeFirst()$}  \EndIf  \State $room.addLast(i)$  \State $rooms.add(room)$  \EndFor  \Return{$asList(rooms)$}  \EndFunction  \end{algorithmic}  \end{algorithm}  We assume that we have access to some form of sequential data structure with operations $\verb|addLast()|\in \ordo{1}$, and $\verb|getLast()|\in \ordo{1}$ and that our priority queue can be converted to a sequential data structure in linear time.  Complexity: