Pol Grasland-Mongrain edited Simu disp maps.tex  over 8 years ago

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\end{equation}  Using high-energy experimental parameter, $\zeta \approx \gamma^{-1} = 40 \mu$m (average depth of absorption), $\lambda$ = 2 GPa (first Lamé's coefficient of water), $L$ = 2.2 MJ.kg$^{-1}$ (vaporization latent heat of water) and $T_V-T_0$ = 373-298 = 75 K, we obtain a displacement $u_z$ approximately equal to 2.9 $\mu$m. While slightly higher, this value is in good agreement with experimental displacement (2.5 $\mu$m).  To calculate the propagation of the displacement along space and time, we modeled the ablation regime as a point force directed along Z direction with a depth of 40 $\mu$mduring 100 $\mu$s  and of constant value from -2.5 to 2.5 mm. The magnitude of the force is stored in a matrix $H_z^{abla}(y,z,t)$. Propagation as a shear wave was calculated using Green operators $G_{zz}$ \cite{aki1980quantitative}: \begin{equation}  G_{zz}(r,\theta,t) = \frac{\cos^2 \theta}{4\pi \rho c_p^2 r} \delta(t-\frac{r}{c_p}) + \frac{\sin^2 \theta}{4\pi \rho c_s^2 r} \delta(t-\frac{r}{c_s})  \label{eq:Gzz}