Pol Grasland-Mongrain edited The_absorption_of_the_laser__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 33c280f434c969ec23b219cc464011510c18488c

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G_{pe} (r,\theta,z)= \frac{\cos \beta \sin \theta}{4\pi \rho c_p^2 r} \delta_P + \frac{-\sin \theta \cos \theta}{4\pi \rho c_s^2 r} \delta_S + \frac{3\cos \theta \sin \beta}{4\pi \rho r^3} \int_{r/c_p}^{r/c_s}{\tau \delta_{NF}}  \label{eq:akirichards}  \end{equation}  where $\theta$ is the angle between the applied force and the considered point (r,$\theta$,z),$\rho$ the medium density,  $c_p$ and $c_s$ the compression and shear wave speed respectively, $\delta_S$ and $\delta_P$ Dirac distribution indicating the position of the compression and shear waves along space and time, $\tau$ the time and $\delta_{NF}$ representing near-field effects. The three terms correspond respectively to the far-field compression wave, the far-field shear wave and the near-field component. Displacement can then be computed by convoluting $G_y$ and $G_z$ with time and spatial extent of the force:  \begin{equation}