Pol Grasland-Mongrain edited Simu disp maps.tex  over 8 years ago

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Let's describe now the other regime. Solving equation \ref{eq:eqChaleurApprox} with same experimental parameters as before but a laser energy of 200 mJ, we find a maximum increase of temperature of 60 K, giving i.e.,  a maximum medium temperature of about 298+60 = 360 K. While slightly below to the vaporization point of our medium, supposed close to 373K (water vaporization temperature), it can be sufficient to vaporize the medium, as it has been demonstrated that the presence of small particles like the graphite particles acts as nucleation sites and facilitate thus the vaporization of the medium at lower temperature \cite{Alimpiev_1995}. Vaporization of the particles leads by reaction to displacements inside the medium, which generate then shear waves: this constitutes the \textit{ablative regime}. To describe physically estimate the initial displacement amplitude in  this regime, we supposed again  the medium as homogeneous and isotropic, isotropic  and we estimated displacements in the middle of the laser beam. Similarly to the previous section, we calculated the discarded any boundary effect. The  stress $\sigma_{zz}$, which $\sigma_{zz}$  is now  the sum of the axial strain component and a term given by the second law of motion due to the reaction to the particles ejected outside the medium when they reach vaporization point \cite{ready1971effects}: \begin{equation}   \sigma_{zz} = (\lambda + 2 \mu) \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial z} - \frac{1}{\rho}\frac{I^2}{(L+C(T_V-T_0))^2}  \label{eq:stressAbla}  \end{equation} where $L$ is the latent heat required to vaporize the solid, $T_0$ and $T_V$ the initial and vaporization temperatures.  By assumingagain that  $\mu \ll \lambda$ and a zero stress at the medium surface, equation \ref{eq:stressAbla} leads to a displacement $u_z$: \begin{equation}  u_z = \frac{\zeta}{\rho \lambda}\frac{I^2}{(L+C(T_V-T_0))^2}  \label{eq:deplAblaApprox}  \end{equation}  Using high-energy experimental parameter, $\zeta \approx \gamma^{-1} = 40 \mu$m (average depth of absorption), $\lambda$ = 2 GPa (first Lamé's coefficient of water), $L$ = 2.2 MJ.kg$^{-1}$ (vaporization latent heat of water) and $T_V-T_0$ = 373-298 = 75 K, we obtain a displacement $u_z$ of 2.9 $\mu$m. While slightly higher, this This  value is again  in good agreement with experimental displacement (2.5 $\mu$m). It is Both theoretical and experimental displacements are  directed inside the medium, in agreement with the experimental images as indicated by the medium (see  white circle arrow  in the figure \ref{figElastoPVA}-(B). Figure \ref{figElastoPVA}-(B)).  To calculate the propagation of the displacement along space and time, we modeled the ablation regime as a point force directed along Z direction with a depth of 40 $\mu$m and of constant value from -2.5 to 2.5 mm. The magnitude of the force is stored in a matrix $H_z^{abla}(y,z,t)$. Propagation as a shear wave was calculated using Green operators $G_{zz}$ \cite{aki1980quantitative}:  \begin{equation}