Martin Coath edited Figure_ref_fig_gaborfine_shows__.tex  about 8 years ago

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Figure~\ref{fig:gaborfine} shows four Gabor patches with double the spatial frequency of Figure~\ref{fig:gaborcoarse}, i.e. 40 cycles per frame, and the resulting \textsc{skv} representation at two window sizes in the same way. The \textsc{skv}$_{50}$ in Figure~\ref{fig:gaborfine}(b) shows a result which is very like the original, the onsets and offsets are close, but it is still possible to distinguish and so there is again evidence of the frequency doubling.   However the \textsc{skv}$_{10}$ in Figure~\ref{fig:gaborfine}(c) produces results which need to be considered carefully. For the 0$^\circ$ and 90$^\circ$ patches the ripples of the Gabor extend far enough in the direction of calculation to appear as a large features and as a result, exhibit large onsets and offsets on this scale. As a result the \textsc{skv}$_{10}$ result  is separating in to two dark patches representing the beginning and end of each ripple and  the patch \textit{as a whole}. The 45$^\circ$ and 135$^\circ$ patches have no features that extend in the direction of calculation so they fade almost to nothing.