Gayathri Srinivasan edited untitled.tex  over 8 years ago

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\begin{quote}  \textbf{Abstract:}The Automata Based String Analysis in JSAI revolves around the idea of interfacing the Lib Stranger tool with the JSAI implementation. LibStranger stands for STRing AutomatoN GEneratoR Library \cite{Li_2012}. The LibStranger tool implemented in C language. LibStranger is an Automata-Based Symbolic String Analysis Library. You can use LibStranger to solve string constraints and/or compute pre and post-images of string manipulation operations such as concatenation and replacement. It can handle complex regular-expression based replace operations such as PHP's preg_replace and approximate these operations in the presence of unbounded loops with high precision and smooth performance. In addition, LibStranger provides fast and precise modeling for common string functions such as trim, substring, toUpperCase and toLowerCase and complex sanitization functions such as PHP's addslashes and htmlspecialchars. The Lib Stranger is built on top of the MONA \cite{monamanual2001,xml2001,powerforms2000,progress2000,dsdspec2000,trees2000}. MONA is a tool that translates formulas to finite-state automata. The formulas may express search patterns, temporal properties of reactive systems, parse tree constraints, etc. MONA analyses the automaton resulting from the compilation and prints out "valid" or a counter-example. MONA implements decision procedures for the Weak Second-order Theory of One or Two successors (WS1S/WS2S). The theory of one successor, known as WS1S, is a fragment of arithmetic augmented with second-order quantification over finite sets of natural numbers. Its first-order terms denote just natural numbers. The theory has no addition, since that would make it undecidable, but it has a unary operation +1, known as the successor function. WS2S is a generalization to tree structures. Since the theories are monadic second-order logics, we call our tool MONA. We interface the already available functionality of the tool with their specifications to do a backward string analysis of the java-script code to make it void of any code injection.   \end{quote}  \section{Analysis of LibStranger Tool}