All trials at Harewood are set out as randomised individual tree trials. Principally this work will be concerned with E. bosistoana of which there are two trials. One with 8 replicates of 20 families, planted in 2012 and coppiced in 2013, due to be harvested in spring/summer 2015. The other E. bosistoana trial has 10 replicates of 20 families, was planted in 2010 and harvested for the first time in 2012, the plants were then coppiced and harvested again in December 2014. Four families representing the highest and lowest growth stress generating genetics were coppiced for a second time and will be due for harvest in 2016. Preliminary results from the 2012 and 2014 harvests show heritability of growth strain generated family rankings. The same data was collected from E. argophloia plants planted in 2010 measured and coppiced in 2012, with final measurements completed in 2014.