
A mathematical model investigating the effect of the TRP of wood properties within Pinus radiata stems with regards to the mechanical hypothesis and wind loading was presented. The work shows stress profiles are fairly consistent regardless of the TRP. When wind loads are applied the opposing longitudinal tension and compression stresses become increasingly evident, with the highest stresses developing in the lower third of the stem. Longitudinal-tangential and longitudinal-radial shear planes also develop significant stresses at a similar height. The addition of growth stresses cause a clustering effect on the height of first failure when compared across TRPs, with most stems still failing in longitudinal compression. The top performing TRPs have a much smaller gap between the wind speeds required to fail in longitudinal tension vs compression. Two types of environment are considered, open grown stems and light competitive stems, it is found that the while open grown stems break at a higher wind speed, the TRPs which perform best for open grown stems also perform best for light competitive stems. Regardless of the stocking or implementation of growth stresses the TRP still accounts for approximately wise the difference in wind loading from one extreme to the other, (\(10m/s\)) difference between the worst performing profiles and the best performing profiles. In particular ’normal’ profile typically observed in trees, the profile using high MFA, low stiffness, low density transitioning toward low MFA, high stiffness, high density performed best in most cases.