Nicholas Davies edited Restults.tex  over 7 years ago

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Throughout a trees lifetime its structure changes as it grows and adapts to its current environmental setting. The simulation was run for a tree at ages 5, 10 and 15 years old. TRPs which perform well (have a low proportion of failed points at a given wind speed) at one time perform well at all other times. Table \ref{table:trp_ranking} categorises the TRPs into the groups of how well they performed over all time. Note that the top four TRPs consists of every permutation of the HS and LW samples while the bottom six TRPs contains all permutations of LS and HW , reasons for this are discussed in ---Section 3.4.1---. When the TRP is split into its stress direction constituents the tendency to fail in longitudinal compression is evident for a number of TRPs, and is often accompanied or closely followed by a number of other directions. Discussion with regard to this clustering of failure in a number of stress directions is in ---Section 3.4.1 and Appendix B--- presents a number of plots showing the differences in the magnitude and direction of failure for different TRPs over time. For younger stems the spread in deflection is much lower, this could be contributed to the lower radial variation between samples as only the first third of the TRP is used in the five year old stems because of the lower radius.  \begin{table}\label{table:trp_ranking}  \caption[TRP rankings]{Categorising the TRP's which have the lowest incidence of failure (High resilients), to those that have the highest (Low resilients) across all time steps.}  \begin{tabular}{l l l}  \hline  High resilients & Moderate resilients & Low resilients \\  \hline  LW \(\rightarrow\) LW & \textbf{LS \(\rightarrow\) HS} & LS \(\rightarrow\) LS \\  HS \(\rightarrow\) HS & HS \(\rightarrow\) LS & HW \(\rightarrow\) HW\\  \textbf{LW \(\rightarrow\) HS} & LS \(\rightarrow\) LW & \textbf{LS \(\rightarrow\) HW} \\  HS \(\rightarrow\) LW & HW \(\rightarrow\) LW & HW \(\rightarrow\) LS\\  & HW \(\rightarrow\) HS & LW \(\rightarrow\) LS\\  & & \textbf{LW \(\rightarrow\) HW} \\  \hline  \end{tabular}  \end{table}