Antonio Prestes GarcĂ­a edited figures/paper-20(LinearGraph-1)v2/caption.tex  over 8 years ago

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In order to fully validate the outcomes of our model and the quality of fitting for the different alternatives to represent computationally the conjugation we have checked the simulation outputs against a complete set of experimental results, for a combination of plasmids and initial donor to recipient ratio. Thus we have simulated eight different plasmids, namely the pAR109, pAR111, pAR113, pAR115, pAR118, pAR120, pSU2007 and a MOB R388 construction, each of them with their own distinctive features. All plasmids are constitutively expressing the genes required for conjugation with exception of pAR113 and pAR118 plasmids.   The plasmid {\it pAR113} designates a version of plasmid {\it pLG272} with the {\it yfp} tag controlled by the inducible lac promoter. The original plasmid belongs to the incompatibility group {\it IncI\textalpha} being a descendant of naturally occurring {\it ColIb-P9} plasmid\cite{citeulike:13777224}.  \section*{Results}  \section*{Discussion}  Our results points that the better way to model bacterial conjugation is making the period where a donor is able to conjugate located at a small window late in the bacterial cell cycle. On the average, the window where most conjugative events will occur is located at least 70\% of bacterial generation time with a small coefficient of variation not greater than a 10\% of the average value. With these figures the best fit to the experimental data is achieved.  Independently of the global values of conjugation rates expressed by the frequency of transconjugants and recipients in the population as the $T/(T+R)$ the local values meaning the number of conjugative events during the interval between two successive divisions is low, being the average value one conjugation per cell cycle. This seems to be consequence of spatial structure leading to physical separation of donors to their potential susceptible recipients but this is compensated by the vertical transfer allowing the plasmids to become established even though the infection spread becomes slightly limited.   Moreover the most significant contribution to the global dynamics of the model is the total delay required to forward the plasmid.