
I (and most other senior researchers) do not keep track of deadlines for submitting your time sheets, renewing contracts, submitting thesis proposals, or theses. That’s your responsibility; remind us if necessary.

Alan Bundy has some very helpful How To guides on his web site: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/bundy/ Read in particular, “How to be my Student” and “The Researcher’s Bible”.

Mailing lists

Also consider this web site with conference links http://www.logic.at/staff/gramlich/conferences.html


In Germany, if you have published a paper, you can report it to the VG-Wort and get money for it (no idea why or where it comes from; just take it). Here are some details:

  • You can report papers if they satisfy certain visibility conditions, e.g., LNCS or journals.

  • Registration and reporting is done via the VG-Wort website (in German).

  • You need to count how many characters the paper has as they pay per normed pages of 1500 characters.

  • The value of a page varies per year, maybe a few euros, divided among the authors.

  • You have to pay tax on the money you get.