Michael Bieler edited sectionSECONDARY_FAI.tex  about 8 years ago

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with a log-file generated by the slow orbit feedback which registers any interruption to the feedback.   Operators generate a beam incidence entry in the logbook for each feedback interruption.  {\em BESSY II} covers all ``orbit-out-of-control'' ``orbit-out-of-specification''  situations as a ``Distorted-orbit'' ``distorted-orbit''  failure: if none of the orbit feedbacks is usable/active usable  (orbit-feedback-outage) or if the RMS deviation fromthe  nominalorbit  exceeds 0.08$\,$mm. Typical RMS orbit deviation range between 0.00 - 0.01$\,$mm   (installation of ``Golden Orbit'', based on new BBA measurement)   and 0.04 - 0.05$\,$mm year(s) later. 0.01$\,$mm.  Orbit-feedback outages are recorded if they lasts last  longer than 60 sec. Succeeding failures are counted as one if the feedback runs for less than 10 min.  {\em Elettra} has currently a long term orbit stability (2 to 5 days) of $\pm 5\,\mu m$ maximum   deviations while the short term stability (24 hours) isat  2\% of the beam size (1.7$\,\mu m$ horizontally and 1.2$\,\mu m$ vertically).   Globally the absolute RMS orbit distortion must stay below 400$\,\mu m$ in horizontal plane and 300$\,\mu m$ in vertical plane.   Typical value are RMS x 330$\,\mu m$ and RMS y 250$\,\mu m$.   Orbit feedback outages are recorded if they are last  longer than 10 sec. {\em LNLS-UVX} records orbit distortions that exceed 10\% of the beam size in any plane,   measured relative to a beam-based-alignment defined ``golden orbit''.  The beamlines are informed about the distortion and a fault event is recorded in the logbook. recorded.  The limits are vertical = 8$\,\mu m$ and horizontal = 30$\,\mu m$. {\em PETRA III} has a fast orbit feedback to keep the orbit stable.   If this feedback fails and certain limits for the orbit deviation are exceeded,