Andreas Luedeke edited sectionPROPOSED_SECO.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 51048d66b9192df1a4d0acb42c5bfafdb39e65c1

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\begin{table}  \centering  \caption{\label{tab:blow-up-limits} ``Beam-blow-up'' Beam-blow-up  limits} \scriptsize  \begin{ruledtabular}  \begin{tabular}{lrrl}\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{lrrl}  \textbf{Facility}&\textbf{typical dimension}&\textbf{size increase}&\textbf{Remark}\\\hline  & (µm x µm) & & \\  ALBA & 70 x 30 & 20\% & recorded \\ 

\begin{table}  \centering  \caption{\label{tab:filling-limits} Distorted-filling limits for different facilities}  \scriptsize  \begin{ruledtabular}  \begin{tabular}{lrl}\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{lrl}  \textbf{Facility}&\parbox[c]{2.25cm}{\textbf{Bunch charge deviation}}&\textbf{Remark}\\\hline  ALBA & - & planned for 2015 \\  BESSY II & 10\% & recorded \\ 

{\em ``Short-user-time''} are for most facilities just subtracted in the beam availability calculations;   they are not recorded as a failure mode.  An independent recording would enable to calculate beam availability with and without accounting for the ``short-user-time'.  This would improve the comparison between facilities that handle ``short-user-time'' differently.