We found that the occurrence rates in the present analysis are systematically lower than in the Petigura et. al. (2013) analysis, but within published errors for all but the lowest-radius, lowest-period range. Error propagation required approximation due to a lack of full description of errors used in the Petigura et. al (2013) analysis; our approximation is discussed below. The plotting and binning procedure was repeated for various ranges of completeness cutoffs, with the results that there is no significant impact until approximately 45\(\%\).

Occurrence binned by flux and radius

Occurrence rates were binned over planetary flux using log base 2 spacing, with number of bins varied in order to maximize bins while retaining a sensible amount of data per bin. The optimal binning was found to be ten bins for flux, over three orders of magnitude, and eight bins for radius, from one to approximately twelve. In the case of planetary radius, we added more bins than Petigura et. al. (2013) by shifting from log base 2 spacing, to log base 1.5 spacing. Our results are shown in Fig. \ref{fluxf2}.