Chuck Pepe-Ranney edited Results_and_Discussion.tex  over 9 years ago

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\textit{Proteobacteria} represent 46\% of all cellulose responding OTUs identified. \textit{Cellvibrio} accounted for 3\% of all Proteobacterial responding OTUs detected. \textit{Cellvibrio} was one of the first identified cellulose degrading bacteria and was originally described by Winogradsky in 1929 who named it for its cellulose degrading abilities \cite{boone2001bergeys}. All $^{13}$C-cellulose responding \textit{Proteobacteria} share high sequence identity with 16S rRNA genes from sequenced type straints (Table XX) except for OTU.442 (best type strain match 92\% sequence identity in the \textit{Chrondomyces} genus) and OTU.663 (best type strain match outside \textit{Proteobacteria} entirely, \textit{Clostridium} genus, 89\% sequence identity). Some \textit{Proteobacteria} responders share high sequence identity with type strains for genera known to posess cellulose degraders including \textit{Rhizobium}, \textit{Devosia}, \textit{Stenotrophomonas} and \textit{Cellvibrio}. One \textit{Proteobacteria} OTU shares high sequence identity with the \textit{Brevundimonas} type strain. \textit{Brevundimonas} has not previously been identified as a cellulose degrader, but has been shown to degrade cellouronic acid, an oxidized form of cellulose \cite{Tavernier_2008}.  \textit{Verrucomicrobia}, a cosmopolitan soil phylum often found in high abundance \cite{Fierer_2013}, are implicated in polysaccaride degradation in many environments \cite{Fierer_2013,Herlemann_2013,10543821}. \textit{Verrucomicrobia} comprise 16\% of the total cellulose responder OTUs detected. XX\% 40\%  of \textit{Verrucomicrobia} responders belong to the uncultured FukuN18 order? family  originally identified in freshwater lakes \cite{Parveen_2013}. An OTU in the \textit{Verrucomicoribiaceae} family presented the strongest \textit{Verrucomicrobia} response to $^{13}$C-cellulose among other \textit{Verrucomicrobia} $^{13}$C-cellulose responders. responders and shared high sequence identity (97\%) with an isolate from Norway tundra soil \cite{Jiang_2011}.  Chloroflexi, ubitiquous across many diverse environments, are traditionally known for their metabolically dynamic lifestyles ranging from anoxygenic phototropy to organohalide respiration \cite{Hug_2013}. Yet, only recently has focus shifted towards the metabolic functions of Chloroflexi in C cycling \cite{Hug_2013,Goldfarb_2011,Cole_2013}. In this study, we identified a previously undescribed clade within the Chloroflexi class (closest relative at a 96\% identity being Herpetosiphon) that exhibited a high substrate specificity based on an average BD shift 0.019 $\pm$ 0.002 g mL\textsuperscript{-1} (\href{}{Fig. S6}). We observed no other cellulose utilization in Chloroflexi outside of this clade although many members of this phylum have previously been demonstrated or implicated in cellulose utilization \cite{Goldfarb_2011,Cole_2013,Hug_2013}.   One of the most interesting findings is a single Cyanobacterial responder OTU, which exhibit the third greatest enrichment measured (l2fc = 3.35) in response to \textsuperscript{13}C-cellulose assimilation. This OTU falls into the recently described candidate phylum Melainabacteria \cite{Di_Rienzi_2013}, although its phylogenetic position is debated \cite{Soo_2014}. More importantly, the catalog of metabolic capabilities associated with Cyanobacteria are quickly expanding \cite{Di_Rienzi_2013, Soo_2014}. Our findings provide evidence of cellulose degradation for Melainabacteria, supporting hypothesized polysaccharide degradation suggested by genomic analysis \cite{Di_Rienzi_2013}.