
\label{sec:dot_control} There are two subsystems that will affect the controlability of the E-SPARC; the attitude control system and the cotrol surfaces. The design options for both subsystems are presented in Sections \ref{sec:dot-con-att} and \ref{sec:dot-con-surf} respectively.

Attitude Control

\label{sec:dot-con-att} In Figure \ref{fig:dot_con-att} the DOT for the aircraft attitude control subsystem is given. The options in the DOT that greatly influence the design are:

  • Amount of controllable axes: The amount of controllable axes define the movability of the aircraft and will have an effect on the types of control surfaces that will be chosen.

  • Control method: There are several ways to control the attitude of the aircraft. Each require a completely different control subsystem so this decision has a great influence on the other subsystems.

  • Type of aerodynamic control surfaces: The decision between these options have a great effect on the wing design as for example a morphing wing required a completely different approach than normal movable control surfaces.

  • reversible/irreversible attitude control: This has a great influence on the reliability, weight and pilot interaction.

Design option tree for the attitude control subsystem

Design option tree for the attitude control subsystem


The options that, based on the requirements are considered non-feasible are:

  • Two axis control

  • Weight shift control

  • Propulsive control

  • Hydraulic-mechanical

An aerobatics aircraft requires high manoeuvrability, thus only three axis control is feasible. Also weight shift control is excluded based on this. The type of control actuators for aerobatics aircraft performing in Earth’s atmosphere are limited to aerodynamics based controls since propulsive based controls would require propellant, which defeats the purpose of an all-electric design. Finally hydraulic-mechanical actuators are considered non relevant for the relatively low control forces needed in the mission. The hydraulic-mechanical will in this case never be beneficial over the other two options when considering weight.

Control Surfaces

\label{sec:dot-con-surf} A DOT was made for movable control surfaces as shown in Figure \ref{fig:dot_controls_surfaces}.

The control surfaces have a great influence on / are greatly influenced by the empennage & canard design and on the wing design as the control surfaces are located on these subsystems. This is valid for each of the options in the DOT.

Design option tree for movable control surfaces.

Design option tree for movable control surfaces.


There were no non-feasible options identified.