Communication Flow Diagram

\label{cha:communication} To illustrate the flow of data in the system, a communication flow diagram is made and shown in FigureĀ \ref{fig:commdiagram}. The Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) is the central processing unit taking inputs from the battery management system (BMS), attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), air data and GPS receiver. The EFIS transfers this information to the avionics to show to the pilot. All data is saved in memory to allow read out after the flight and detailed post flight analysis. Furthermore the telemetry data is transmitted to the teams and race control during race to check rule violations and show data on livestreams. A radio and transponder are required by regulations, shown in the diagram with respective antennas. For race entertainment purposes cameras could be installed and send live footage.

Communication flow diagram illustrating the data flow through the system.

Communication flow diagram illustrating the data flow through the system.
