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00 00 00 20 27 27 28 29 29 08 23 23 19 19 11 05 16 04 19 03 03 09 14\  15 11 20 31 13  Note the long string of zero's at the beginning; these are what makes scalar randomization less effective. As one might expect, $tn \approx t2^{252} + t2^{124.4}$, and if $t < 2^{128}$, then bits 251 and below of $k + nt$ will be strongly correlated to the corresponding bits of $k$ (because the bits of $nt$ with nontrivial contributions to those bits of the sum will be zero). Other special form primes don't have quite as striking of a form (I chose Curve25519 because the form of its $n$ is striking), makes it quite obvious),  but the other special form primes also have long strings of 0's or $b-1$ digits at the beginning, which yields the corresponding weakness. However, let us consider what happens if we consider a $b$ which is not a power of 2. For example, if we were to take the same $n$ expressed in base $b=48$, we get: 

27 43 25 45 05 37 02 04 08 39 09 42 06 04 27 15 01 47 30 12 25 23 01    Of course, once we consider nonpower-of-2 bases, we lose the two advantages that we formally had; let us examine how bad that makes the situation. we can make it work.  \section{Costs of point multiplication using a non-power-of-2 base}  The first thing we want to look at is how much more expensive it is to use a base which is not a power of 2. After all, a base which is a power of 2 allows us to implement that the  fixed multiplication by $b$ by using  a handful of doublings, which is the most efficient method possible. However, it turns out there are other bases that are almost as cheap. To make a concrete comparision, comparison,  we'll outline the costs with both a power-of-2 base, and a nonpower-of-2 base. In both cases we'll assume that we're dealing with an Elliptic Curve with a 256 bit subgroup, and that we'll use a 64 bit blinding value $r$, yielding an exponent which is 320 bits long. We'll use the radix method, using a balanced representation of the digits (that is, the digits are values in the range $[-b/2, b/2]$, and we'll assume that the addition-by-0 is masked somehow (whether the low-level addition routines handle it without a special case, or because in that case we'll add by an arbitrary point and discard the result). To implement this using radix $b=32$ (which is optimal over all powers-of-2 in this scenario), we'll first compute the digits $(-16G, -15G, ..., 15G, 16G)$ with 7 doublings, 7 additions\footnote{In some elliptic curve representations, the operation of adding a point to itself (doubling) is cheaper than adding two distinct points (additions), hence we track those two operations separately} and 15 negations\footnote{Negation is such a cheap operation within Elliptic Curves that we typically don't count it}. Then, we implement the actual addition chain; in this case, 320 bits is 64 digits\footnote{Normally, it would be 65, because of the signed representation; however we could assume that r is a signed value as well, and that would bring us to the 64 digit level}; this is 63 rounds of multiplying the current point by 32 (which is 5 doublings), and adding in the next digit (which is a single addition); this step takes us 315 doublings, and 63 additions, for a total of 322 doublings, 70 additions, and 15 negations.