Liisa Hirvonen edited Table1.tex  over 8 years ago

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\begin{table}  \caption{ \label{table:res} Summary of calculated and measured hydrodynamic radii.}  \begin{tabular}{ \begin{tabular*}{1\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}  l c c c c c c } c}  \hline  & BSA & Eylea & Lucentis & Avastin & Eq & Ref \\ \hline  MW (kDa)  & 66.5kDa  & 115kDa  & 48kDa  & 149kDa  & & \\ R$_{\text{min}}$ (nm) & 2.67 & 3.21 & 2.40 & 3.50 & \ref{eq:Erickson} & \cite{Erickson2009} \\  R$_\text{h}^{\text{Wilkins}}$ (nm) & 3.04 & 3.52 & 2.77 & 3.85 & \ref{eq:Wilkins} & \cite{Wilkins1999} \\  R$_\text{h}^{\text{Dill}}$ (nm) & 4.00 & 4.87 & 3.52 & 5.49 & \ref{eq:Dill} & \cite{Dill2011} \\  R$_\text{h}^{\text{meas}}$ (nm) & 3.49 3.07  & 3.70 3.56  & 2.76 3.02  & 4.58 3.77  & \ref{eq:R_h} & \\ \end{tabular} \hline  \end{tabular*}  \end{table}