Liisa Hirvonen edited Introduction.tex  over 8 years ago

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\begin{equation}  r(t) = r_0\cdot e^{-\frac{t}{\phi}} \label{eq:1expfit}  \end{equation}  where $r_0$ is a constant the initial anisotropy at $t=0$  and $\phi$ is the rotational correlation time. If the rotating unit is not spherical, a more complex model is required. $\phi$ can thus be obtained by fitting eq~\ref{eq:1expfit} (or the more complex model) to the experimental anisotropy decay. $\phi$ is related to the volume $V$, and thus the effective radius, of the rotating molecule by the Stokes-Einstein-Debye equation \cite{VanHolde1998}  \begin{equation}