Liisa Hirvonen edited Introduction.tex  over 8 years ago

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Small-angle scattering studies using X-rays (SAXS) or neutrons (SANS) \cite{Svergun_2013} as well as dynamic light scattering (DLS) \cite{Pecora_1985, Hong_2009} and NMR techniques \cite{Wilkins1999} have been used for measuring $R_h$. Global analysis of hundreds of proteins has led to the definition of empirical relationships between $R_h$ and the number of amino acids $N$, related to the MW by \(N = \frac{\text{MW}}{110 \text{ Da}}\). Such formulas have been defined, for example, by Wilkins \cite{Wilkins1999}  \begin{equation}  R_h (\text{\AA}) (\text{\r{A}})  = 4.75\cdot N^{0.29} \label{eq:Wilkins} \end{equation}  and Dill \cite{Dill2011}  \begin{equation}