Liisa Hirvonen edited bibliography/biblio.bib  over 8 years ago

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@incollection{Svergun_2013,  doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199639533.003.0010},  url = {},  year = {2013},  month = {aug},  publisher = {Oxford University Press ({OUP})},  pages = {286--319},  author = {Dmitri I. Svergun and Michel H. J. Koch and Peter A. Timmins and Roland P. May}, 

@book{1985,  doi = {10.1007/978-1-4613-2389-1},  url = {}, @book{Pecora_1985,  year = {1985},  publisher = {Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media},  editor = {Robert Pecora}, 

@article{Hong_2009,  doi = {10.1002/polb.21634},  url = {},  year = {2009},  month = {jan},  publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell},  volume = {47},  number = {2},  pages = {207--214},  author = {Liu Hong and Jinzhi Lei},  title = {{Scaling {Scaling  law for the radius of gyration of proteins and its dependence on hydrophobicity}}, hydrophobicity},  journal = {J. Polym. Sci. B Polym. Phys.},  }