Liisa Hirvonen edited section_Data_collection_bleaching_test__.tex  over 8 years ago

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\section{Data \section*{Data  collection -- bleaching test \label{sec:SI_bleach}} Although the illumination intensity used in these experiments is extremely low, an experiment was performed to confirm that the measurements are not affected by bleaching over the 30-60 min data collection period. Data was collected over an hour in 5-minute intervals, changing polarisation between 0 and 90 degrees every 5 minutes (i.e.\ measurement 1: 0 degrees 0-5~min, 90 degrees 5-10~min, measurement 2: 0 degrees 10-15~min, 90 degrees 15-20~min, etc.). The measured phosphorescence decays do not change systematically over time, see Fig~\ref{fig:bleach}.   The anisotropy was also calculated for the 6 measurement intervals (i.e.\ measurement 1: 0-10~min, measurement 2: 10-20~min, etc.), see Fig~\ref{fig:bleach_ani}. The data is very noisy due to the low photon count at 5 min time intervals, and Fig~\ref{fig:bleach_ani} shows the moving average of 10 data points. The anisotropy does not show a systematic change over time.   \section{Anisotropy \section*{Anisotropy  -- goodness of fit \label{sec:SI_fit}} Figure~\ref{fig:chisq} shows the chi-square values (goodness of fit) for the anisotropy decays. The fitting error is bigger at lower viscosities.